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Performances in Sevastopol

Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater n.a. AV Lunacharsky. Theatre brought on tour two performances: the "Sevastopol waltz" by K. Listov staged by I. Konyaev and concert "Ball of operetta "Melodies of Love"(directed by A. Osipenko). 

  Already in the early stages of preparation for the tour of Sevastopol viewer interest was so great that the administration of the theater asked to designate September 30, additional daily performance of "Sevastopol waltz". Tickets for this show did not receive the free market, and distributed by the Office of Culture and Tourism of Sevastopol. Theatre was filled with veterans and members of the cultural community of the city. According to numerous testimonies audience hall and actors were as "one". And the famous song "Sevastopol waltz" not only was encore by soloist Andrey Danilov, but was picked up by everyone in the theater, was sung along with the chorus of actors with tears in his eyes. After all,  the song "Sevastopol waltz" has long since become the unofficial anthem of the sunny city and it remains so far, meeting residents and guests in all corners of Sevastopol. 

  October 1st tour finished by Gala-concert "Ball of operetta. Melodies of Love" is already a favorite of St Petersburg. Leading soloists performed scenes, duets and arias from the immortal works of I. Kalman, J. Offenbach, F. Lehar and other composers. Theatre was thundering applause, the audience did not let actors go from the scene by standing ovation. And in the end shrill "Sevastopol waltz"  again sounded the stage.

Tours was implemented with the support of the Ministry of Culture.

Scene from performance "Sevastopol waltz"Scene from performance "Sevastopol waltz". Averin - A. DanilovScene from performance "Sevastopol waltz". Averin - A. Danilov, Nina - S. LugovaScene from performance "Sevastopol waltz". Lyubasha - E. Popova, Genka - A. OleynikovScene from performance "Sevastopol waltz"General manager of the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater. AV Lunacharsky Vadim Yelizarov and General manager the St. Petersburg State Theatre of Musical Comedy Yuri SchwarzkopfConcert "Ball of operetta. Melodies of Love." A. Oleynikov, Y. Moskalenko, D. PetrovConcert "Ball of operetta. Melodies of Love."Conductor Andrey AlexeevConcert "Ball of operetta. Melodies of Love."