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As part of the National Festival "Golden Mask" musical "Chaplin" goes to Moscow!

11, 19 April; 3, 24 of May, on the Small Stage of the theatre premiere of the operetta "Summer of Love" will take place. Stage director - People's Artist of Russia Oleg Levakov.


We are pleased to announce that the official website of the St. Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy became the winner in the category "Websites of cultural institutions" in the All-Russian contest "The best website  in the sphere of culture and art - 2014"

December 15, 2014 in St. Petersburg V ceremony Andrey Tolubeev Award took place. We are pleased to announce that this year's General Manager of the St. Petersburg State Theatre of Musical Comedy Yury Schwarzkopf has become one of the award winners. Congratulations!

December 15, 2014 the Secretariat of the Union of theatrical figures of Russia decided to award honorary special awards "Golden Mask". People's Artist of Russia Zoya Vinogradova was awarded "For outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art." Congratulations!

Nominees of the National Theatre Award "Golden Mask" 2013/2014 are announced.

November 10 the Awarding ceremony of Highest theatre award of Saint-Petersburg “Golden Sofit” 2013/2014 hold.

30 September and 1 October, with a resounding success St. Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy performed in the city of Sevastopol on the stage of the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater n.a. AV Lunacharsky.

 Behind us we have a long and glorious history, but also ahead of us are still many accomplishments and achievements. Congratulations! We wish health to the entire staff and prosperity for our wonderful theater. In the end of September, in the foyer of the theater major exhibition, devoted to the history of the theater, will be open.

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