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Isakov Alexander Borisovich
Honoured artist of Russia
Chief director

Was born in Leningrad. In 1977 he entered on acting faculty of Leningrad state institute of theatre, music and cinema named after N.K. Cherkasov (head of the course – R. Agarmizyan). After graduating the course of studies he was taken in the company of Leningrad state drama theatre named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. In 1990 he entered again institute of theatre, music and cinema named after N.K. Cherkasov on the department of directors of musical theatre and variety art (course by G. Ivanov). In 1992 he was appointed director in drama theatre named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. In 1994 he was invited on the position of chief director in Saint-Petersburg state theatre Baltic house.

In 1996 A.B. Isakov was appointed on the position of chief director in theatre named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya.

In July of 2003 he was invited in Theatre of musical comedy on the appointment of artistic leader, from June of 2005 he is on the position of chief director. Here productions of following performances were made by him: “Ball at the Savoy” P. Abraham, “Viennese Meetings” J. Strauss, “Hello, Dolly!” D. German, “Not like the others” A. Petrov and A. Kalyvarsky, “Levsha” V. Dmitriev, "Kiss Me, Kate!" C. Porter.