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Tilicheev Eugeny Sergeevich
Honoured actor of Russia

Was born in Leningrad. In 1972 he graduated from Leningrad state institute of theatre, music and cinema named after N.K. Cherkasov (acting faculty, class by L. Makaryev). At the same year he was invited to Leningrad theatre of Musical comedy, where he made his debut at once in three bit, but with such different characters roles: Ovington, Getch and Announcer in musical by F. Lesser “How to make a career”.

During his work in the theatre he performed about 40 leading character parties in classic operettas and modern musical comedies. Among them: Ahill “Beautiful Helen” J. Offenbach), Colonel (“Mademoiselle Nitush” F. Erve), Leopold and Fraskatti (The Csardas Princess” and “The Violet of Monmartre” I. Kalman), Director and Clown (“Ochtinsky Bridge” V. Lebedev), Lombardi (“Truffaldino” A. Kolker), Chottabich (“Dad Chottabich” G. Gladkov), Nyunin (“Marriage with general” E. Ptichkin), Bubentsov “About poor hussar…” A. Petrov), Vikont (“Age of Love” F. Erve).

Today his repertoire includes following parts: Duke Leopold, Pankratzy and Rothschild (“Silvia”, “The Duchess from Chicago” and "The Violet of Montmartre" I. Kalman), Negush (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Marepa (“Madame Pompadour” L. Fall), Artur Noyvirt ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Alfonz ("Parisian Life" J. Offenbach), Elpifidor ("The Bondmaid" N. Strelnikov), Fedor Garbuz ("Sevastopol waltz" K. Listov), Schlesinger ("Summer of love" by L.Lajtai).

He was acting in cinema: “Tsarevitch Prosha” (Derdidas), “Truffaldino from Bergamo” (Capitan), “Asinine skin” (Chief of royal guard), “Seven notes” (Chief director), “My Russia” (Peter the Great), “Go and see” (Translator) and others.

He performs a lot of roles in various TV-stagings, in some of them he is a leading character.

In 1998 he was given a honorary title “Honoured actor of Russia”.