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Ternovova Irina Yuryevna

Born in Leningrad. In 1991 she graduated from Saint-Petersburg musical school named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (department of actors of musical comedy, director of course – V. Vorobyev). At the same year she was included on the company of Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy. In most of productions she performs in ensemble parts and roles of second plan.

Today her repertoire includes: Rogneda (“Magic Mirror” Y. Vzorov), Fevronia and Make-up girl (“Bluebeard” J. Offenbach), Militza (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Simona (“Bayader” I. Kalman), Luisa ("Parisian Life" J. Offenbach), Marietta ("Gasparone" C. Millocker).

She was acting in the cinema: film “Russian ark” (director – A. Sokurov), and in TV – film “Collection”.