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Taranetz Tatyana Mikhalovna

In 2001 she graduated Saint-Petersburg state Conservatoire n.a. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (class of solo singing, pedagogue - M. Petrova) and the same year she was invited to the company of Musical Comedy Theatre, very soon she became the leading soloist of the theatre.

Nowadays her repertoire includes: Silvia, Teodora, Mary Lloyd and Maritza ("Silvia", "Mister X", "The Duchess from Chicago" and "Countess Maritza" I. Kalman), Emma (“Meetings in Vienna” J. Strauss), Hanna Glawari (“Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Boulotte (“Bluebeard” J. Offenbach), Duchess ("The Bird Seller" C. Zeller).

She is laureate of International competition named after Mikhail Vodyanov in Odessa (second prize).

In 2006 she was awarded the Highest theatre prize of Saint-Petersburg "Golden Sofit" for the performing of Boulotte part in operetta "Bluebeard" J. Offenbach.