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Shvarev Yaroslav Viktorovich

He was born in Rubtsovsk. In 1997 he graduated from the conductor-choral department of the local music college. Then he entered the Altai State Academy of Arts Faculty at the "Creative work" (department of "Stage direction", class of E.F. Shangin), and in 2003 he graduated from it.

Prior to 2005, he played leading roles in operettas and musicals on the stage of the Altai Musical Comedy Theatre. Then he was invited to the Novosibirsk Theatre of Musical Comedy, which played following roles: Boni, Shtertzel and Napoleon ("Silvia", "The Dutch Girl " and "Bayader" by I. Kalman), Nikita Baturin ("The Bondmaid" by N. Strelnikov) Khlestakov (" Incognito from St. Petersburg" by V. Pleshak), Truffaldino in the same name musical comedy by A. Kolker and others.

His bright stage temperament, flexibility, charm and great capacity for work are the keys to the success. As a result, in 2005 an actor became the laureate of the Novosibirsk Theatre Prize "Paradise" and then in 2006 - the laureate of the First international competition of operetta and musical actors named after V. Kurochkin (Ekaterinburg), and in 2009 was nominated for a he highest theatre prize of Russia “The golden mask" for the role of Brykin-Pedotti in the musical "The Viper" by A. Kolker.

In October 2010 he was invited to the Saint-Petersburg state theatre of Musical comedy, in December the same year he made a successful debut in the role of Bill Sikes in the musical "Oliver!" by L. Bart. Played the part of Fedgin in the same musical, and the part of Rzevsky in the operetta "The Bondmaid" by N. Strelnikov.

Today his repertoire includes the following roles: Cavalier, Manager, Florimond Herve ("Mr. X", "Bayader", "The Violet of Montmartre" by I. Kalman), grand-dad Zakhar and the Commissioner ("Womanish revolt" by E. Ptichkin), Cascada ("The Merry Widow" by F. Lehar), Pular ("Madame Pompadour" by L. Fall), Philothey ("Shoo!" by J. Dubravin), Rasul ("Aladdin" by A. Menken).