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Lozovaya Olga Olegovna
Honored actress of Russia

She was born in Engelsk of Sratovskaya oblast. After secondary school in 1990 on competition she was taken to the troupe of Vologodsk theatre of Musical comedy. Then not long she studied in Leningrad Choreography college named after A.Y. Vaganova (pedagogue – N. Aleksandrova). In 1992 she entered Saratov state conservatory, the department of actors of musical theatre (course of G. Bannikov), and in 1994 moved to Tomsk musical theatre where played different parts: Dolly (“Frasquita” by F. Lehar), Adel (“The bat” by J. Strauss), Eliza (“My fair lady” by F. Loewe), Arsena (“The Gipsy baron” by J. Strauss), Zolushka (“Zolushka” by A. Spadavekkia), Violetta, Mary and Stasi (“The Violet of Monmartre”, “The Circus princess” and “Silva” by I. Kalman), Marinka (“Women’s revolt” by E. Ptichkin), Tonya (“Nunnery” by M. Samoylov) and others.

In 1999 she was taken on competition to Saint-Petersburg theatre of musical comedy and soon became one of the leading actresses. During her work in the theatre she performed in such parts as: Rosemarie (“The Duchess from Chicago” by I. Kalman), Klotilda (“My dear friend!” by V. Lebedev), Roxie Hart (“Chicago” by J. Kander), Floretta and Metella (“Bluebeard” and "Parisian Life" by J. Offenbach), Isabella (“Meetings in Vienna” by J. Strauss), participant in the show "Cabaret at the Italian street".

Nowadays in her repertoire there are: Stasi, Mabel, Marietta and Liza (“Silva”, “Mister X”, “Bayadere” and "Countess Maritza" by I. Kalman), Mashka (“Levsha” by V. Dmitriev), Olga Hromova (“The Merry Widow” by F. Lehar), Klarissa (“Baroness Lili” by I. Huszka), Slepenbuh (“The Bird Seller” by C. Zeller), Belotta (“Madame Pompadour” by L. Fall), Miss Lane ("Kiss me, Kate" C. Porter), Ida ("The Bat" by J. Strauss), Semenovna ("Womanish revolt" by E. Ptichkin), Doris ("Same time, next year" by S. Daniels).

Is a laureate of International competition named after Mikhail Vodyanoy in Odessa (I prize, 2004).

In 2005 O.O. Lozovaya was awarded with honorary title “Honored artist of Russia”.

In 2009 by Order of President of Russian Federation she was rewarded with Order Medal “For achievements to Native land” of II degree.