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Korz Oleg Stanislavovich

Was born in Zaporozhye. Graduated from Musical school of Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, and in 2004 – from faculty of musical theatre of Russian Theatre Arts Academy (course of national artist of Russia G.P. Ansimov), class of vocal by honoured artist of Russia N.I. Vasilyev).

In 2003 he made his debut on professional stage in role of tenor in performance-project “Quartet” based on play by R. Harvud. In theatre season 2004-2005 he was participating as invited actor in performance of Moscow drama theatre named after A.S. Pushkin “Priests Children”, based on play by M. Matischich. In 2005 he worked on probation in Theatre “School of dramatic art” under leadership of Anatoly Vasilyev.

From 2004 he is soloist of theatre “Moskovskaya Operetta”, where he performs leading parts of world classic repertoire: Alfred (“The Bat” J. Strauss), Camille Rossilion (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Mister X, Raul,, Edvin (“The Circus Princess”, “Violet of Montmartre” and “The Csardas Princess” I. Kalman) and others. Participates in concerts actively.

In 2008 he was invited in Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy for participation in Gala-Concert “Golden Age of Operetta”, and after – for performing of Tassilo part in operetta by I. Kalman “Countess Maritza”.