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Danilov Andrey Mikhalovich

Was born in Irkutsk. In 1997 he graduated Irkutsk state linguistic university, and in 2002 – Russian Academy of music named after Gnesiny, department of academic vocal (pedagogues: M.S. Agin and N.U. Urneva, A.P. Petrov).

In 2002 he became soloist of Omsk state musical theatre. He was performing leading parts in performances “The Circus Princess” (Mister X), “Maritza” (Tassilo), “Bayader” (Radjami), “Traviata” (Jermon), “Marriage of Krechinsky” (Krechinsky) and many others.
In 1998 he became a laureate of competition “Bella Voce” (first prize), in 2006 - laureate of the First international competition of operetta and musical actors named after V. Kurochkin (first prize), and in 2007 – laureate of the First international competition of operetta actors “Operetta-Land” (first prize).

In august of 2007 he was invited as a soloist to the company of Saint-Petersburg Theatre of Musical comedy, where he performed the following roles: Roberto (“Viennese Meetings” J. Strauss), Erminio ("Gasparone" K. Millocker), Nikita Baturin ("The Bondmaid" N. Strelnikov), participant in the show "Cabaret at the Italian street", Sandor (“The Duchess from Chicago” I. Kalman).

Today his repertoire includes: Mister X, Edvin and Tassilo (“Mister X”, “Silvia” and  “ountess Maritza I. Kalman), Rene (“Madame Pompadour” L. Fall), Fred Graham ("Kiss me, Kate!" C. Porter), Gustl von Laudeg ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Dmitry Averin ("Sevastopol waltz" K. Listov), Steshka ("Womanish revolt" by E. Ptichkin), Count Danilo (“The Merry Widow” by F. Lehar).

In June 2011, Andrey Danilov received the second prize and the audience prize at the Second European operetta and musical competition "Face to face" in Poznan (Poland).