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Chubarov Victor Ilyich

Was born in Lugansk. In 1970 graduated from Leningrad state institute of theatre, music and cinema (first graduates of department of musical comedy actors), pedagogue – M.G. Dotlibov. Being a student of the last course he participated in ensemble scenes in performances of Theatre of Musical comedy. In 1990 was included in company, performed, mostly, in parts of second plan and episodes. Among them stand out such as: Sempronio (“Enamoured deceivers” J. Haydn), Colonel (“Mademoiselle Nitush” F. Erve), Clamps (“Drum-Majors Doughter” J. Offenbach), Midas (“Beautiful Galathea” F. Zuppe), Lytkin (“About poo hussar…” A. Petrov), Archibald (Ball at the Savoy” P. Abraham), Coachman (“Hello, Dolly!” J. German).

Nowadays his repertoire includes: Kashnur (“Calif-Stork” O. Petrova), Chief of Oho and Minister (“Bluebeard” J. Offenbach), Hkomov (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Policeman (“Oh, Dear Friend!” V. Lebedev, Ronsdorf, Director and Deva (“Silvia” and “Bayader” I. Kalman), Kind grand-dad (“Teremok” A. Kulygin), Prunir (“Madame Pompadour” L. Fall), Fridrich Pankrautius ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Lieutenant ("Gasparone" C. Millocker), Taxi driver ("Kiss me, Kate! C. Porter), Sergeev ("Sevastopol waltz" K. Listov), Ivan ("The Bat" by J. Strauss), Dr. Craven ("The Secret Garden" by S. Banevich), Chairman of the house committee ("Grooms" by I. Dunayevsky), Poole ("Jekyll & Hyde" by F. Wildhorn).

In 2009 by Order of President of Russian Federation Victor Chubarov was rewarded with Order Medal “For achievments to Native land” of II degree.