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Vybornov Sergey Vladimirovich

He was born in Leningrad. In 1983 he graduated from faculty of actors of musical theatre of Saint-Petersburg musical school named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
In 1985 after service in the military ensemble he was invited to the Theatre of Musical Comedy, where he worked till 1989. In this period he performed parts of Unknown ("The Bat" by J. Strauss); Ochumelov ("Marriage with general" by E. Ptichkin); Man of the fight ("Lizard" by V. Vorobiev and M. Gendel); Ed Pivo ("Order for a murder" based on music from compositions of ensemble "Beatles").

In 1989 he entered and in 1994 graduated from faculty of actors of musical theatre of Saint-Petersburg musical school named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (vocal pedagogue - E. Ustinova, acting - K. Chernozemov) and in the same year he came back to the troupe of Saint-Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy. During these years artist played such parts as: Planshar ("Age of love" by F. Hervé); Count Danilo ("The Merry Widow" by F. Lehar); Oberleutnant von Rohnsdorff ("The Gipsy princess" by I. Kalman); Brigella ("Truffaldino" by A. Kolker); Goretskiy ("Turkey fate" by S. Banevich).

Today his repertoire includes following parts: Popolani and Urban ("Bluebeard" and "Parisian Life" by J. Offenbach); Forestier ("My dear friend!" by V. Lebedev); Deva, Count Bojazowitsch and Kudelka ("Bayadere", "The Duchess from Chicago" and "Countess Maritza" by I. Kalman); Platov ("Levsha" by V. Dmitriev), Veps and Gluhenbah (“The Bird Seller” by C. Zeller), Theatre Principal ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Harrison Howell ("Kiss me, Kate!" C. Porter), Massacho ("Gasparone" C. Millocker).