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Murashko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Honored artist of Russia

He was born in Konovalovo of Makushinsky district of Kurganskaya oblast. In 1975 he graduated from Leningrad musical school named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (department of actors of musical comedy, pedagogue L. Meisel). Being a student of the last year in 1974 made his debut in Leningrad theatre of Musical comedy in the part of Leon (“Paris life” by J. Offenbach) and also took part in new performances of the theatre. In 1975 he was invited to the permanent work as vocal soloist. Actor has created around 60 parts of different theatrical characters: hero, simpleton and comic: Botan (“The age of love” by F. Hervé), Don Pomponio (“Donna Juanita” by F. Suppe), Mishka (“The Gipsy princess” by M. Kalman), Chugunov (“Turkey fate” by S. Banevich), President (“Not like others” by A. Petrov and A. Kalvarskiy).

Nowadays in the repertoire of A.A. Murashko there are: Baron, Miksa and Parker (“Mister X”, “Silva” and “Bayadere” by I. Klaman), Bogdanovitch (“The merry widow” by F. Lehar), Yakov Petrovich (“We are from Odessa, Hi!” based on music by I. Dunaevsky), Larosh-Matie (“My dear friend!” by V. Lebedev), Bechei (“Baroness Lili” by I. Huszka), Vizier (“Kalif-Stork” by O. Petrova), Shnek (“The Bird seller” by C. Zeller), Fridrich Pankrautius ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Gontran ("Parisian Life" J. Offenbach), Lieutenant ("Gasparone" C. Millocker).

From 1992 A.A. Murashko constantly works on Petersburg radio. He is an author and presenter of series of programs about classical operetta, about composers and masters of the genre, about work of the theatre of Musical comedy during the years of blockade of Leningrad, about new performances and leading actors of Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy.

Now and then he has acted in various fims in episodic parts.

In 1994 A.A. Murashko was awarded with honorable title “Honored artist of Russia”.