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Kritskaya Elena Aleksandrovna

She was born in the village Kochubeevskoe of Stavropol krai. Six years she was studying in Leningrad in the Studio of Amateur Theatre of operetta of Place of culture named after F.E. Dzerginskiy (leader – A. Araratyan, pedagogue – I. Bragina). In 1991 she graduated from history faculty (chair of History of arts) of Leningrad state university. In the same year, being a student of the last year played main part in the children musical “Fantik! Gav! Gav!” on the stage of the Theatre of musical comedy, whereupon was taken to the troupe. For years of working in the theatre she played around 30 parts among which there were parts of travesty, lyric heroines and soubrettes.

In May 1992 actress was performing with concert programs in the theatre “Old Petersburg”. In 1994 was invited on several leading parts to the children musical theatre “Zazerkalie” where she played parts of Alice (“Alice in Wonderland” by E. Podgaitz), Alesha (“Town in snuff-box “ by S. Banevich), Tsarevna (“Fairy-tale about solder and devil” by I. Stravinsky), Girl and Doll (“Children’s songs” by P. Tchaikovsky) and others.

Laureate of the Second All-Russian competition of actors of operetta and musical (1996).

In 2001 to the tenth anniversary of creative activity in the Theatre of Musical comedy prepared mono-performance “Tango with Vertinsky” with fragments of his biography, poems, songs and romances (concertmaster - honored artist of Russia Mihail Aptekman).

Nowadays in the repertoire of the actress there are following parts: Isabella (“Meetings in Vienna” by J. Strauss), Mabel (“Mister X” by I. Kalman), Antonida and Polina (“Bluebeard” and "Parisian Life" by J. Offenbach), Rashel (“My dear friend!” by V. Lebedev).