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Korovin Aleksey Urievich

He was born in Obninsk of Kaluzhskaya oblast. In 1990 graduated from Leningrad state institute of theatre, music and cinematography named after N.K. Cherkasov, the specialty “Actor of drama theatre and cinema” (course of E.M. Padve). During four years he was working as an actor in drama theatres of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. In 1994 he graduated from acting department of Slippery Rock University (USA, state Pennsylvania). The same year entered the vocal department of Saint-Petersburg conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (class of S.V. Gorenkova), which he graduated from in 2000. Being a student from 1995 performed leading parts in the performances of conservatory Theatre. After finishing the course of studies worked in Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy. Performed parts: Edwin (“The gipsy princess” by I. Kalman), Camille de Rosillon (“The merry widow” by F. Lehar), Singer (“Truffaldino” by A. Kolker). At the same time took part in the performances of the theatre “Saint-Petersburg Opera” under the direction of Y. Alexandrov. Continuing improving his vocal skills was on probation period in Germany and Italy. From 2004 he is soloist of Theatre “Moskovskaya operetta”. In 2006 he received invitation to be a soloist of Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy. His repertoire in Theatre of Musical Comedy includes parts of Edwin, Radjami and Tassilo (“Silva”, “Bayadere” and "Countess Maritza" by I. Kalman), Laszlo (“Baroness Lili” by J. Huszka), Rene (“Madame Pompadour” by L. Fall).

He is a laureate of International competition of actors of operetta named after M. Vodyanoy, diplomant of International competition named after F. Vinians in Barcelona (Spain).