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Chichkanova Natalia Vladimirovna

Was born in Chelyabinsk. Graduated musical school, then vocal faculty of Musical school named after M.P. Tchaikovsky (class by N.N. Nefedova). In 2006 she graduated GITIS (RATI), musical faculty (course of professor D.A. Bertman). Being a student she performed in Moscow state theatre “Helicon-Opera”.

She was taking part in International Gala-concert under leadership of Maestro Peter Guth “Golden Age of Operetta” (2008), International Gala-Concert under leadership of Maestro Peter Guth "Operetta Holiday" (2009).

Now working as well in Creative group "Petit-Opera" Management of project "Open Stage" of Department of culture of Moscow city. Performs following parties: Belinda ("Didona and Aeneas" H. Purcell), Spring and Second Nymph ("Queens Funeral" H. Purcell), Philidel, Siren, Nereid, St.-George ("King Arthur" H. Purcell) and others.

In January of 2007 she was invited to Saint-Petersburg theatre of Musical comedy. Today her repertoire includes: Cristina (“The Bird Seller” C. Zeller), Valentina (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Marika ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Gabrielle ("Parisian Life" J. Offenbach).